We’ve upgraded for you!

Have you ever been driving along, and suddenly your car makes a weird noise that you’re not quite sure about but doesn’t sound great? 

We’ve probably all been there at some point and know what it’s like to have to foot the bill for the overhaul of our vehicle. 

We know a thing or two about overhauls, but in this case, it’s the good kind that benefits YOU and doesn’t cost you a dime - our pricing stayed the same!

Last year, we looked at all of our internal systems from YOUR viewpoint and asked ourselves this important question - How can we create an even better experience for our customers? 

From there, we’ve overhauled virtually every internal system in some way with you in mind. 

We started by integrating all of our systems to make information sharing more efficient. 

We also implemented the Smart Hub Order Management (SHOM) system so you can easily purchase new service or modify existing service from your mobile device or computer. 

Everything from reaching customer service, paying your bill, and setting parental controls for your WiFi is now easier. 

And well, who doesn’t like easier? 

If you haven’t checked out what SmartHub, for simplified account management and bill pay, or CommandIQ for WiFi management like renaming your WiFi network, changing the password, managing devices and more, can do for you, get started today!

If you have questions about your Lingo services, we'd love to talk with you. You can reach us at (540) 712-0300 or email us at getservice@mgwnetworks.com. And make sure to check out our NEW Lingo Fiber Expansion areas.


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